Photo Album XL A Dogs Life
Photo Album XL A Dogs Life
RRP:RRP: $135.00
Warehouse Stock: 28 in stock at warehouse
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Extra-large dog photo album with textile finish.
- Introducing the extra-large, extra special photo album dedicated to the life of your four-legged best friend.
- Show off and decorate all your cutest pupper pics - maybe even stamp a paw print or two!
- Beautiful clothbound cover with debossed paw prints that will look beautiful on both shelves and coffee tables.
The Printworks XL Photo Album contains 30 pages of high quality acid-free paper, perfect to decorate with memories of your beloved pet. Keep precious photos and memories organised and within reach.
Fits two 10x15 photographs on each page with space to spare for jotting down details. The album accommodates a total of 40 pages.
Photo paper size: 28 x 21cm.
Materials: Cotton and recycled grey board cover. FSC-certified, acid-free card and black metal binder.
Dimensions: 33 x 27 x 5cm
Weight: 1.2kg
SKU:SKU code: PW00621
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: PW00621
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