MoMA Umbrella Starry Night Large
MoMA Umbrella Starry Night Large
RRP:RRP: $135.00
Warehouse Stock: 16 in stock at warehouse
Pre-Order Stock: Not currently available for pre-order
More stock expected: : 08 Mar
Large umbrella with Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' printed on the inside. Navy blue exterior.
- The perfect accessory to pick up your spirits on a gloomy day.
- This eye-catching umbrella features dazzling imagery from Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece The Starry Night (1889) in MoMA's collection
- Features a navy-blue polyester exterior and an aluminium shaft with a rubber-coated handle.
SKU:SKU code: MM-103541
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: 103541
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